What makes Duk Moo Hapkido special

Written by Master Kim Beom (Duk Moo European Technical Director).

The Duk Moo Academy understands the human body more accurately. For example, using acupressure and the way of blood circulation based on Korean medicine.

Furthermore, the major difference between Duk Moo Hapkido and others is the consistency and uniqueness of the Duk Moo Academy’s techniques. For example, once you learn Kwonsul (the empty hand attacking skills), you can apply them into sword, long staff and cane techniques. I am the second son of Grandmaster Kim Duk In and I have received all of the secret techniques of Kwonsul, not revealed to the public. The Duk Moo Academy revealed its long staff techniques in public for the first time during a demonstration in Paris several years ago. The President of Haedong Gumdo was there at the demonstration and, when he saw Grandmaster Kim’s cane demonstration, he said to Grandmaster Kim:

“Those techniques are normally used in sword techniques, how come you can use the cane like a sword?”

The President was also very impressed by the long staff techniques on display. They were very similar to two-sword techniques – not just spinning techniques, but cutting and striking techniques too. Grandmaster Kim informed him that sword techniques, long staff techniques and cane techniques are the same because they are all just an extension of Kwonsul. Grandmaster Kim also added that he had learnt sword techniques from the late Kim Young Dal, the best sword warrior in Korea. The President gave Grandmaster Kim a wooden sword as a present, saying that: “I met a real Grandmaster abroad, who I can hardly see in Korea.”

The Duk Moo Academy’s character is very much related to Grandmaster Kim’s family background. Grandmaster Kim’s family lineage originates from the Kyung Ju Kim family tree, a very noble Kim family in Korea. Some of Grandmaster Kim’s recognised warrior family ancestors are: King Kyungsoon, who reigned during the Shilla Dynasty, and Military Director Tae Jang Kun Kim Soon Eung, who was the Chief of General Staff during the Koryeo Dynasty. Grandmaster Kim’s grandfather, General Jul Chung Kim Kyung Sik, was a senior martial arts warrior and a high-ranking official in charge of the King’s bodyguards at the end of the Chosun Dynasty. When Japan invaded Chosun and colonized Korea, the King’s bodyguards dispersed and the last King of Korea, King Gojong, granted some land near Sae Gum Jung to senior warriors who lost their positions. The King granted Grandmaster Kim’s grandfather, General Jul Chung Kim Kyung Sik, some land at the rear of the Palace in Sae Gum Jung and some of Grandmaster Kim’s relatives still live there.

Grandmaster Kim learnt some of his martial arts techniques from his grandfather, General Jul Chung Kim Kyung Sik. It is our family tradition that a grandfather has a responsibility to take care of his grandchildren’s education. Grandmaster Kim looks after his granddaughters, by training them and making them read everyday. As they are looked after by Grandmaster Kim, they easily have the opportunity to see and learn Kwonsul and long staff techniques from an early age. The eldest granddaughter is now a red belt in Hapkido. My 15 month old son will also be trained by and receive skills from his grandfather, Grandmaster Kim. Earlier this year, Grandmaster Kim looked after my son when he went to Korea for two weeks. At such an early age, he has not yet learnt long staff skills but, unprompted, he now bows whenever he takes hold of a staff. By simply observing his grandfather, he has already naturally absorbed the first thing, manners.

By learning from Grandmaster Kim, they can find the coincidence and consistency between techniques. As Grandmaster Kim says:

“If you have learnt 100 techniques, you should be able to summarise them into one. You should also be able to divide one technique into ten. However, if you just count and consider the number of techniques, the techniques already become rubbish and dead. ”

Techniques should be embodied throughout our body. Really decent Hapkido techniques cannot be taught via video or books and, therefore, this is why the Duk Moo Academy has not published any books or videos.

There is a well-known Chinese story about this principle: A King was walking along a street and he saw an old man making a wagon wheel. The King said to the old man: “Don’t you have any children? How come you are working at that age?” The old man replied:

“I have children and I have taught them all the skills. However, it is easy to deliver knowledge verbally, but it is very difficult for them to receive detailed skills and secrets. Therefore, I still make these wagon wheels by myself.”

Knowledge cannot be complete or perfect if it is not embodied throughout our body.

When Grandmaster Kim and I lived in France several years ago, he taught me most of his skills and I especially found the connectivity and consistency of techniques. The moment that I found the consistency of techniques, a sword, long staff, cane and my wrist became one. This transformation and wholeness is the core concept of the Duk Moo Academy’s education and training system and it is the true meaning of Hapki.

Grandmaster Kim Duk In

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Grandmaster Kim Duk In is a Senior Advisor to the Korea Hapkido Federation and he is the Korea Hapkido Federation’s 9th Dan certificate number 3. He is also the Founder and President of the Korea Hapkido Federation’s affiliated Duk Moo Academy.

Grandmaster Kim’s family has a 37-generation history, both in the military and of possessing good quality weapons techniques – the family founder is King Kyungsoon, who reigned during the Shilla Dynasty.

From an early age, Grandmaster Kim learnt Korean military weapons under the guidance of his Grandfather, General Jul Chung Kim Kyung Sik.

General Jul Chung was very good at the spear. Grandmaster Kim also especially enjoyed long stick training with his Grandfather and it eventually became his speciality.

At the age of 18, Grandmaster Kim joined the Korean Air Force. By the age of 23, he was teaching martial arts to the Korean Special Army and Government.

Then, in 1959, after completing his military service, Grandmaster Kim returned to his hometown of Sae Gum Jung. It was at this time that a police officer introduced him to the Sung Moo Academy, the first Hapkido dojang in Seoul.

Grandmaster Kim wanted to learn Hapkido and so he moved to Seoul. In Seoul, he joined the Sung Moo Academy and started his training under Grandmaster Ji Han Jae.

Grandmaster Kim’s weapons skills and good memory meant that his progress was fast and, within one year, he was already an Assistant Instructor to Grandmaster Ji Han Jae.

Before that time, the Sung Moo Academy had had many different Assistant Instructors and then Grandmaster Kim and Grandmaster Song Young Ki trained together and were the Assistant Instructors at the Sung Moo Academy for a long time. Grandmaster Kim was the physical trainer, Grandmaster Song Young Ki was the Academy’s Secretary as well as a physical trainer. Today, Grandmaster Song Young Ki is the Korea Hapkido Federation’s 9th Dan certificate no. 2 and Grandmaster Kim Duk In is the Korea Hapkido Federation’s 9th Dan certificate no. 3.

At the same time, Grandmaster Kim developed his own training and, in 1962, he founded the Duk Moo Academy and opened his first dojang in Seoul. However, at that time, promoting Hapkido was difficult as Hapkido was still relatively unknown and the economy was still poor following the Korean War, so he returned to the Hapkido Headquarters.

Then, in 1963, Grandmaster Kim taught the Presidential Bodyguards of President Park Chung Hee at Cheong Wa Dae, the Korean Blue House.

In 1964, Grandmaster Kim was the Action Director and Stuntman for a movie made about General Nam Hee.

Also in 1964, Grandmaster Kim was the first person to be appointed as the Chief Instructor of the Korean Royal Military Academy (similar to West Point in the United States). Grandmaster Kim held this position for three years. After completing their military training, Grandmaster Kim’s students gained high positions within the police force.

Some of his students followed him and, in 1966, Grandmaster Kim moved to the City of Chun-Cheon, in the Kang Won Do province of Korea, where he opened a Duk Moo Academy dojang, teaching both police and civilians.

In the early years after the Korea Hapkido Federation was formed in 1965, the Duk Moo Academy was one of only ten leading Academies recognised by the Korea Hapkido Federation.

In 1975, Grandmaster Kim was awarded a certificate and the positions of Korea Hapkido Federation Manager and Chief Examiner, by the then Korea Hapkido Federation President and Presidential Bodyguard Director, Chai Tae Huon.

In the 1970’s, Grandmaster Kim was also part of the group of pioneering Masters who first spread Hapkido into Columbia. He had been sent by the Korea Hapkido Federation to Columbia in order to promote Hapkido and Grandmaster Kim held Hapkido demonstrations and taught Hapkido at Columbia University.

After Grandmaster Kim returned to Korea, he was the Instructor for the 1st-6th Korea Hapkido Federation Black Belt Instructor Seminars.

Grandmaster Kim then travelled to Europe and was the first Korea Hapkido Federation Instructor to teach Hapkido in several European countries – introducing Hapkido in France, Switzerland and Sweden.

In France, the World Taekwonmudo Academy had asked Grandmaster Kim to assist them with their syllabus. Grandmaster Kim agreed and introduced the Academy to the Duk Moo Academy syllabus, particularly helping them with self-defence and kicking techniques. As well as establishing the Duk Moo Academy France Headquarters in Paris, Grandmaster Kim also gave Hapkido demonstrations for the Police Nationale’s RAID police force, who were then very keen to learn Hapkido from the Grandmaster.

In 2000, Grandmaster Kim visited the UK, after being asked by the World Taekwonmudo Academy to again assist them with their syllabus. Grandmaster Kim agreed and taught weapons, self-defence and kicking techniques as part of the World Taekwonmudo Academy International Instructors Course.

Grandmaster Kim still travels regularly to the UK in order to hold Hapkido Seminars, Gradings and events, and give support to his son, who resides in the UK.

As a Senior Advisor to the President of the Korea Hapkido Federation, Oh Se Lim, Grandmaster Kim continues in his aim towards the promotion of Hapkido.

The Korea Hapkido Federation

MASTER DIMITRIS exams at 6TH DAN Duk Moo Hapkido

Master Dimitris was examined on 24th January 2016 at 6th Dan Duk Moo Hapkido by Master Kim Beom European Technical Director of Korea Hapkido Federation-Duk Moo Academy.The exams included:hapkido theory,special kicking,throwing,weapons,acupuncture basic skills.


An ancient healing practice, a martial art that offers path to enlightment, synchronizing your body and mind to function in harmony and in accordance with the natural laws and cycles of the universe. Its beauty lies in mastering life energy, using movement to integrate the mind and body into one. Its power springs from a realm of unlimited possibilities.

Essentially, the term Duk Moo Dan Jun Ki Kong means “the art of being limitless”.

Rooted in Shin-seon –do (Taoist) practices of Korea, Ki Kong involves meditative movement and breath awareness that help the practitioner accumulate ki energy and develop insight.

Some of the benefits include skeleton alignment, improved circulation, better sleep, significant improvement of chronic illnesses, supple body, confidence, stable and relaxed mind.



Kumdo is a traditional martial art of sword. From its means “the art of sword”, and the “way of the righteousness”, from the Taoist philosophy.

Kum: sword

Do: way

Kumdo is both mentally and physically martial art. A kumdo bout with a skilled opponent is an intense experience. For a moment, as one opponent faces another, concentration is absolute, conscious thought is suppressed, and action is instinctive.

Purpose of practicing kumdo is:

To mold the mind and body

To cultivate  a vigorous spirit.

And through correct and rigid training:

To hold in esteem the courtesy and honor

To treat the others with sincerity

Thus   someone will be able:

To respect and honor one’s parent.

To respect all lives and living things.

To perceive and never retreat cialisfrance24.com from challenges.
